Posted on: Wed, 09/20/2023 - 12:25 By: admin
The grace period

There is no grace period

With financing starting from 200 JOD up to 3,000 JOD, the Al-Namothajiah for Islamic Micro-Finance Company finances self-employed and existing projects in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, of both genders, aged from 18 to 65 years, to purchase all necessary equipment for the self-employed to support and develop existing projects

The purpose of financing
Financing the self-employed and supporting and developing existing projects
Target group
The required documents:
Identity proof, Income proof, Quotation/commercial register for the supplier, Any other documents requested
Financing ceiling
Annual return rate
22.00% Fixed
Repayment period
From 6 months to 36 months
The grace period:

There is no grace period